Category: seriouzly

No answers here.

I’m hurt. I’m angry. I’m sad. I’m hopeless. I’m disappointed. I’m perplexed. I could probably go on, but the rest would be synonyms of the same shit feelings. How did we do this? Wait, no, we didn’t do this. I didn’t…

Positive Thoughts

I’m extremely lucky to have a few ‘canaries’ on Twitter. These are the people who point out when the air has fouled to the point where it’s a good time to re-assess my habits, and turn away from the negativity.…

Online Security Tips

This post is completely my own idea, and nothing to do with shadowy certification authorities that reward blog posts about online security with continuing education credits.  Probably. Maybe. Ok. That’s actually why… Still. Long time readers will know that I…

A New Party

Here’s the working premise of this post; If you wanted to design a successful third party, what would it look like?  This is NOT what I would want in a political party, though some of the views might (or might…

Guns, Banks and Cocoa

When I think of Switzerland, I think of 2 things; Banks and Cocoa.  I haven’t visited Switzerland yet.  That’s unfortunate and odd, considering I only live a few hours drive away, as an expat American in Germany.  I plan to…

Sometimes I’m being sarcastic

You may not have noticed, but sometimes I’m sarcastic on Twitter.  Unfortunately, that isn’t always clear.  I recently linked to a story that  included a picture of an Olympic Beach Volleyball player’s butt.  Some people who know me well were…

Alabama not sweet home for immigrant kids

If you’re compiling the top 1000 reasons for the slumping U.S. economy, then you can safely leave ‘illegal immigration’ off the list.  Why, then, is it suddenly acceptable again to target this population for discrimination, intimidation and repudiation?  In Alabama,…