The funny one

Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Nazi? Nazi who? Nazi best time to lose your sense of humor, is it? I keep hearing that the next few years are going to be an absolute disaster for everything except comedy. I want to hold…

Social Anxiety

We were looking for fun. We were seeking adventures. We’ve uploaded excuses, and faded old pictures.   Flirting with possibilities, and drawn out suspense. Seized on the moment, made the must of events.   Flattered with platitudes. Offered little more. Didn’t worry about payout. We’ve been here before.   Stripped of…

No answers here.

I’m hurt. I’m angry. I’m sad. I’m hopeless. I’m disappointed. I’m perplexed. I could probably go on, but the rest would be synonyms of the same shit feelings. How did we do this? Wait, no, we didn’t do this. I didn’t…


I owe so much money now. That’s good, right? I’ve got a house, a car, a job… no dog yet. (*note: get dog). I vacillate between giddy joy, and subtle dread, but I’m hanging out in the middle for a…