I’m hurt. I’m angry. I’m sad. I’m hopeless. I’m disappointed. I’m perplexed. I could probably go on, but the rest would be synonyms of the same shit feelings.
How did we do this? Wait, no, we didn’t do this. I didn’t do this. You probably didn’t do this. How did THEY fucking do this. How did 24% of America get up, drag their sorry asses to the ballot, and vote in a walking goddamn joke.
Wasn’t it enough that we’ve had a broken system for 8 years, held together by administrative tricks, and occasional bullshit deals. Wasn’t it enough that we have to constantly dumb down every fucking aspect of American life, so they could pretend to keep up? We made shit shows, with fake science, so they could feel superior to people who went out and mastered real life. We let them sell their fucking souls to Facebook, and pretend they were changing the world. Jokes on me, though, because the world is changed, to a dumber, sadder, and more dangerous place, led by hateful idiots.
We let them blame their sad sack sob story lives on immigrants, on big business, on anything but their fucking sad intransigent clinging to a fictional America that never existed. If your town went to shit, and the mill closed, then fucking move. No, we don’t owe you a comfortable pension next to the plant your grandpa worked in. We don’t owe you anything.
You know why most of the people live in the Urban states? Because we, or our parents, moved there to make a better life. That’s what responsible people do when their town goes to shit. That’s what immigrants do. That’s what refugees do. These are MY people. These are the people I want for my neighbors. We didn’t populate Los Angeles with a high birthrate. We came together, from all around the world, and worked our asses off to make things work. We built industries. We sacrificed today, to build tomorrow. We helped our neighbors, knowing they’d help us. Some assholes showed up, too, but they worked as well.
I worked my ass off to reach the middle class. I’ve lived in 5 different states, and 4 different countries. I went to 11 fucking colleges, always working, picking up and starting over whenever I had to. I took on debt. I went through unemployment. I went through displacement. I chased jobs. I did what it took, to find a niche. I joined the military twice, and I never asked for anything besides what was in my contract, for my troubles. I never found a way to get out of my responsibilities. I never blamed anybody for my troubles. I always trusted that ‘people were good’, and ‘it would all work out’.
I’m hurt. I’m angry. I’m sad. I’m hopeless. I’m disappointed. I’m perplexed. I could probably go on, but the rest would be synonyms of the same shit feelings.