Category: Notez to Self

Puppy Karma

I feel a little guilty. Not that I did the wrong thing, but that I didn’t do the best thing. I wanted to adopt from a shelter, or from an unplanned private litter. It’s the right thing to do. Instead,…

No answers here.

I’m hurt. I’m angry. I’m sad. I’m hopeless. I’m disappointed. I’m perplexed. I could probably go on, but the rest would be synonyms of the same shit feelings. How did we do this? Wait, no, we didn’t do this. I didn’t…


I owe so much money now. That’s good, right? I’ve got a house, a car, a job… no dog yet. (*note: get dog). I vacillate between giddy joy, and subtle dread, but I’m hanging out in the middle for a…

Positive Thoughts

I’m extremely lucky to have a few ‘canaries’ on Twitter. These are the people who point out when the air has fouled to the point where it’s a good time to re-assess my habits, and turn away from the negativity.…


So, here it is. Episode 1-Guns-A-Blazing. This podcast thing is going to take time. Maybe I’ll never be any good at it. That’s ok with me. This is one of those things I want to say I’ve done, and will…

The Origin Story

 Re-Write! Introduction- Gift Torus Sipping a cappuccino and nearly finished with a profoundly underwhelming lunch, Phillip Serra gazed up at the Colosseum of Rome. From his plastic patio furniture throne, he calmly surveyed the battle lines laid out before him.…

Current Projects

Projects I’ve informally worked on over the past few years. None are functioning services, some are just domain names and scribbled notes. As I put together these notes, realized they fall broadly into 3 categories; social, ecommerce and security. Why…

The Twidit App/Site Pitch

The Twidit Pitch: Lots of people poll twitter followers to answer questions/identify things/recall facts. Twidit will be an app/website to make this a little easier. By querying the user to identify the common information elements, things like ‘Where was it?’, ‘When…

The Trouble with Twitter

I’m on a break from Twitter. It won’t be a long break, but I think I’m going to make it a more regular occurrence. There are 2 reasons for this, and they really have nothing to do with each other.…