The Twidit Pitch: Lots of people poll twitter followers to answer questions/identify things/recall facts. Twidit will be an app/website to make this a little easier. By querying the user to identify the common information elements, things like ‘Where was it?’, ‘When was it?’, and functions to add pictures or video, the user will be enabled to build a concise question to post to Twitter and the Twidit website. Question Responders (QRs) can respond inline via Twitter or connect through the website or their own installed twidit app. The Question Posers (QPs) can provide feedback on answers, and close the question when complete. Interaction can occur on Twitter or Twidit, depending on preference.
This is first stage of service development. Later stages can develop enhanced social features, built-in research tools, spam protection, and perhaps reward systems, depending on user interest.
WHAT KIND OF BLOG POST IS THIS? This is a presentation post about ideas that I have somewhere on the backburner for development. I’m not looking for investment or partners, mainly just discussion or a general gauge of interest in seeing it happen. These are idea nubs… they may grow with future edits, or they may just fade away. If you know of an existing implementation of the idea, that would be great to know too! You can add a comment or use the feedback form, if you’d prefer.