I’m regularly described as ‘shy’, ‘introverted’, or ‘quiet’ by people who know me ‘irl’. Generally, I just nod and shrug, but recently I took a few minutes to ponder if that’s accurate. Am I? Do I avoid talking to…
Author: patrixmyth
Current Projects
Projects I’ve informally worked on over the past few years. None are functioning services, some are just domain names and scribbled notes. As I put together these notes, realized they fall broadly into 3 categories; social, ecommerce and security. Why…
The Twidit App/Site Pitch
The Twidit Pitch: Lots of people poll twitter followers to answer questions/identify things/recall facts. Twidit will be an app/website to make this a little easier. By querying the user to identify the common information elements, things like ‘Where was it?’, ‘When…
My difficulty with silence
It’s not that I like to hear myself speak. In fact, I can’t really stand my voice. I just find it impossible to sit in silence. Twitter helps a lot. It’s basically a really slow conversation where people put up…
None of our business
What can you say about those cyclical lingering ugly stories about popular culture icons? Michael Jackson, John Travolta, Woody Allen, Bing Crosby, Bill Cosby, Gumby … the list is limited only by my memory, my commitment to treating the topic serious…
Star Wars Thoughts
This is not a Star Wars 7 trailer review. That would be pointless and stupid. This is ALSO pointless and stupid, but it’s not a Star Wars 7 trailer review. No one seems to be talking about Star Wars on…
Something Serious in Syria
If you’re watching the news, it’s likely you’ve heard ‘something’ about Kobani, Syria. It might just be blending in with all the other bad news you are hearing. It’s different. I believe it’s much different. I believe I have a…
Take my wifi, please!
So, you got trouble, and that starts with T, which stands for Smart TV, and no, I’m not going to write this whole blog post as a Music Man parody. This post is advice on handling a poor wifi signal,…
Toss these technologies
Any avid ‘technophile’ knows it’s pretty easy thinking of reasons to get new gadgets. What about discarding technology, though? Looking through my hardware junk drawer, recently, however (junk room, actually), I realized a few of my devices have not only…