Author: patrixmyth

Two dollars

I have opened my browser to commence a new blog post.  Lacking any plan or preparation, I’ve looked up and noticed 2 dollar bills on my window sill.  I should be more specific.  These are not a stack of bills…

The Importance of 42

As any faithful fan of Douglas Adams must, I find myself waxing philosophical on the occasion of the commencement of my 42nd year upon this great blue mostly harmless marble known as Earth.  Like some inane Bodhisattva or natty Newton beneath…

Heathens Above- Chapter 1: Out with the Old.

Chapter One- Out with the Old. If anything qualified as a bad year, then this had to be it.  What else do you call it when you lose your job, your wife, your house, your car, most of your belongings…

A New Party

Here’s the working premise of this post; If you wanted to design a successful third party, what would it look like?  This is NOT what I would want in a political party, though some of the views might (or might…

Guns, Banks and Cocoa

When I think of Switzerland, I think of 2 things; Banks and Cocoa.  I haven’t visited Switzerland yet.  That’s unfortunate and odd, considering I only live a few hours drive away, as an expat American in Germany.  I plan to…

Sometimes I’m being sarcastic

You may not have noticed, but sometimes I’m sarcastic on Twitter.  Unfortunately, that isn’t always clear.  I recently linked to a story that  included a picture of an Olympic Beach Volleyball player’s butt.  Some people who know me well were…

Sounds fishy to me, too.

A recently funded project on received $700,000 to produce an iOS controlled pan/tilt/zoom mount for an iOS device, presumably not the same iOS device you’re holding because that would be stupid lazy even for an iOS user (like myself).…

Fucked up songs

Occasionally, I come across catchy music that I am really enjoying… then I notice the lyrics.  Sometimes they just don’t make sense, but usually the issue is the message in the music.   “That’s fucked up!”, I mutter to myself,…

PMP World

“PMP World” Sung to music of Primadonna Girl by Marina & the Diamonds. Projects rule the World, yeah Unique creations, temporary work A sponsor’s charter starts the ball Initiates the project, funds it all Might seem like there is too…